The Schrems West Michigan Trout Unlimited chapter was founded in 1962 because of the concerns for the health of our local streams and the wild trout that live in them.
Our chapter, since its beginning, has been involved with many activities from river clean-up, stream monitoring, bank erosion and its reconstruction, fish shocking, invertebrate studies and fly fishing clinics, along with the many concerns that effect our environment in today’s society. Our work on the river needs continuous attention, dedication and volunteer labor from trout enthusiasts, because what affects us today will be left behind for the next generations. Our chapter work and contributions to rivers include: the Pere Marquette, Rogue, Muskegon, Au Sable and Coldwater Rivers.
Founded in 1959 in Grayling, Michigan, Trout Unlimited is America’s leading coldwater fisheries conservation organization. TU’s 100,000 members in 455 chapters nationwide are dedicated to the conservation, protection, and restoration of North America’s trout and salmon and their watersheds.
More about SWMTU
- Join Trout Unlimted and SWMTU
- The Chapter has adopted mission and vision statements to guide the organization into the future.
- The Chapter also has bylaws (PDF document) that were adopted in 1972.
- The history of SWMTU by Dick Nelson.
- WMTU added Schrems to its name to honor Cornelius Schrems.
- Founding of Trout Unlimited in Grayling in 1959
- Past presidents of SWMTU
- Past winners of C. R. Evenson Award
- Past winners of Cornelius Schrems Award
- Past winners of Schrems Scholarship
- Past winners of Kanouse Award
- Geographic boundaries of SWMTU