With the next SWMTU banquet coming up on January 17, 2023, here’s a preview of some of the items that will be up for auction, silent auction, and raffles.* Be sure to get your tickets in advance to reserve your spot and get an opportunity to pick up some of these fantastic items.
And a huge thank you to all the people and businesses that donated items for the auction. Your support makes it possible to protect the coldwater rivers of West Michigan.
Quick Hits
- Raffle tables and silent auctions of flyrods, hats, clothes, books, fly-boxes with flies, fishing gadgets, waders, fly lines, and many more items from companies like Orvis, Yeti, Mayfly, Cabela’s, Rio, TFO
- Door prizes featuring L.L. Bean fly rod & reel combos and a McCafferty book
- Experiences like rounds of golf at Redwater Group clubs, Knife-making class with Shawn Moulenbelt, Whitecaps baseball tickets, KCCL Membership, meals at Amore, Rose’s, Brewery Vivant, Cherie Inn, and many more.
Guide Trips
Tom Werkman, Werkman Outfitters
Kevin Feenstra, Feenstra Guide Service
Jay Allen, RiverQuest Charters
Brad Petzke, Rivers North Guide Service
Steve Kuieck, RiverQuest Charters
Chris Butz, Hawkins Outfitters
Frank Willetts, Pere Marquette River Lodge
Miles Kluesing, Pere Marquette River Lodge
Brian Kozminski, True North Trout
Sam De Jonge, Wild Rise Outfitters
Ethan Berger
John Schmidt, Trout Bum John
Tim Riley
Josh Greenberg, Gates AuSable Lodge
Jeff Marsh
Brett Shegalowski, Big Spring Angler, MT
John Karakashian, Baldwin Bait & Tackle
Mike Whittle, J&J River Guides
Jeff “Bear” Andrews
Mike Batcke, Manistee River Lodge
Live Auction Items
Sam Lacina hand-crafted net (new)
Ron Barch Bamboo Rod
Bob Braendle knife
Rod/reel combo in a wooden box – J.A. Henry Rod &Reel Company
Campaign Box – J.A. Henry Rod &Reel Company
Golf Foursome @ Blythefield Country Club
Sam Lacina Net #47 (Vintage)
“Abstract Brookie Flank – October” – Artist Proof signed by Derek Deyoung
Art Work and Collectibles
Mark Steele Watercolor
Circa 1900 British flies collection
“Sporting Classics” by Joesph Sulzowski
Redwood creek TU poster
“Rainbow Trout” by David Ruimveld
“Bamboo Bend Brookie” by David Ruimveld
Bud Kanouse Brook Print framed
“Cedar Creek Gem” by VanDen Bos
“In Pursuit” by VanDen Bos
“Creating a Conservationist” by VanDen Bos
Banquet Posters
Railroad Poster
Coldwater River Poster
Katmai Poster
Naknek Poster
North Branch Outing Club
Mounted and framed flies by George Hemming
Mounted and Framed flies by David Lucca
Mounted and Framed flies by Forrest Maxwell
Autographed poster, guitar picks, and tee shirt by legendary guitarist Slash
* List of auction and raffle items is tentative and subject to change.

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