Board Meeting Summary: August 13, 2024

SWMTU Board Meeting

Summary of Schrems West Michigan Trout Unlimited Board Meeting on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Old Business

Women on the Water– the event was held in June in Baldwin, Michigan and was very well attended. Plans are to have another women’s event in 2025.

Wa Wa Sum – our annual event at the Wa Wa Sum Lodge in June in Grayling was attended by a record number of attendees. Included in this year’s stay was a guided tour of the historic Grayling Fish Hatchery, where we were able to observe the recent work done to open the East Branch of the AuSable to fish passage.

Cast n’ Blast – our annual event in July with the Ruffed Grouse Society with our best event yet. Schrems and the Ruffed Grouse Society split the net profits of $9,878.00. Schrems earmarks these funds for youth events and projects.

Nash Creek Riparian Buffer and Stabilization Project – Schrems approved funds up to $2,500.00 for rocks for the project, in addition to $500.00 for signage.


WHITE RIVER – in the course of our discussion it was decided that instead of a river clean-up in the fall, a spring cleanup might be better visibility before vegetation begins to grow.

ROGUE RIVER – discussions were made on the proposed project between the Rockford Area Community Foundation, Schrems TU and the City of Rockford to add stone steps at access points at the Rum Creek Dam site, Richardson Sowerby Park and along the dog park footpath where the Rockford River Watershed Council removed trees and scrubs.

LOWER TYLER CREEK – the long-discussed project to return a large portion of Tyler Creek to its original historic configuration has picked up steam. Grants would be needed as a budget of $70,000.00 would be needed to fund the study.

BUCK CREEK – the annual Buck Creek Cleanup will be Saturday, August 24, 2024 spearheaded by the
Friends of Buck Creek.

Salmon in the Classroom

Ben Sleeman, a third-grade teacher at Lee Elementary School in Middleville, MI has been approved to
participate in the Salmon in the Classroom program for the 2024-25 school year. As part of our ongoing program Schrems will be providing the necessary aquarium equipment and installation. Welcome to the program Ben. We currently sponsor 23 schools in the West Michigan area.

Chapter get together

All are invited to attend a meeting and gathering for chapter members at the Gravel Bottom Brewery in Ada on Monday, September 23, 2024. Information and signup can be on found on the chapter website. Price will be $20.00 which includes food. Cash bar is available.

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