Action Alert: Public Input Sought for Agricultural Procedures Impacting Michigan Streams Background: The Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) is seeking...
Latest News from SWMTU
Cancelled — Annual Tee Off for Trout Golf Scramble
The golf scramble scheduled for Friday, July 25 has been cancelled.
Wa Wa Sum annual meeting recap
Congratulations to our newly elected board members and officers for SWMTU! Elected to the board for the first time are:...
See How Your State Senators and Representatives Voted on the Water Bills
Senate Bill 860 (S-6) – the less protective option for our aquatic resources. This bill was voted on May 15,...
Water Withdrawal Legislation Update and Request for Action.
This past week the House finished passing all of the bills in their water withdrawal legislative package. Both Senate and...
Rogue River a Trout Unlimited Home River?
A full-time TU staff person may be hired in the next year for the Rogue River as part of Trout...