Join us for an evening with Matt Supinski, author of "Selectivity", who will share his experiences and expertise, with a focus on how our local conservation efforts are helping to sustain steelhead and cold water resources.
Latest News from SWMTU
Volunteers needed for Outdoor Recreation Youth Day
The upcoming Barry County Outdoor Recreation Youth Day is in need of some volunteers. The event will take place on Saturday, September 13, at Historic Charlton Park, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Students in Rogue River watershed lend a hand
A group of students in home school programs in the Rogue River watershed have been connecting with Trout Unlimited in recent months by helping out the Home Rivers Initiative.
Mayors’ Grand River Clean Up
The 11th annual Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup begins Saturday, September 20th at Sixth Street Park. Over the years, thousands of volunteers have picked up more than 120,000 pounds of refuse from the banks of the Grand River and its tributaries in Grand Rapids, Walker, Grandville, and Wyoming.
Kent County Brook Trout Project
One of the largest projects involving SWMTU is underway this summer with tree plantings along the Rogue River. Coming up is removal of concrete from the old Childsdale Dam.
Buck Creek clean-up on August 12
There are some areas of Buck Creek that are over-run with garbage in the water and along the banks. If interested in participating, please contact Pete at 517-420-4003.