We're proud to announce that Schrems TU has been awarded $2,500 from the Embrace A Stream (EAS) grant program to continue its conservation efforts on the Coldwater River.
Latest News from SWMTU
Big turnout for State of the Trout 2018
A big thanks goes out to all those people who helped fill up the new venue space at Creston Brewing.
STREAM Girls video
The Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative is a very active local organizer of the STREAM Girls initiative. This video was produced by TU National and features the local efforts.
Photo Gallery: Sportsmen for Youth
There was another big turnout for the Sportsmen for Youth event in Muskegon.
Photos: 2018 Buck Creek Cleanup
The recent cleanup on Buck Creek resulted in nearly a half ton of garbage being removed from the stream through Wyoming and Grandville.
Rogue River cleanup on Sept 15
Join the Rogue River Watershed Partners, Nomad Anglers, Trout Unlimited, Patagonia, and more to help clean up the Rogue River after a busy summer season of recreation.