A new exhibit has opened at the Michigan History Museum that focuses on how the Au Sable River has influenced conservation efforts across the world.
Latest News from SWMTU
What’s “bugging” you in our streams?
Here's your chance to see what stream insects are in the Rogue River watershed.
How Trout Unlimited was founded
As a TU member, you probably know the birthplace of the organization was on the banks of the Au Sable River. Thanks to a recent segment on Michigan Public Radio, even more people know the background.
SWMTU featured on “Michigan Out of Doors”
The "Cast and Blast" event was covered by the TV show and you can watch the clip here.
Buck Creek Clean-up – August 5
This clean up is just one part of a multi-step process in assessing, improving and conserving Buck Creek.
Help Schrems Scholarship reach the $100,000 milestone
Join the Schrems Scholarship Challenge today! Every $2 you donate will be matched by $1.