Registration is now open for the 2020 annual banquet to be held on Tuesday, October 13.
Latest News from SWMTU
Register now for the 2020 Women on the Water outing
Sorry, this event is canceled for 2020. We plan to bring it back for 2021.
Meet TU CEO Chris Wood
Join us to welcome and meet Chris Wood. Chris is the head of Trout Unlimited. There is no charge to come. We will provide snacks and there will be a cash bar.
Join SWMTU for the 2019 Holiday Party
Join your fellow Schrems TU members, and bring some guests, for a holiday celebration.
Please help support the Schrems’ Embrace a Stream effort
The 2019 Embrace a Stream campaign has begun, and we are asking you to help by November 10.
Dick Smith passes away
Dick Smith, who was a long-time supporter of Schrems West Michigan TU, passed away on October 12, 2019 at the age of 76 after a long battle with cancer.