Do you want to know what the water quality of the Rogue River and its streams are? Then come and...
Latest News from SWMTU
2011 Banquet photos
Thanks to everyone who came out to support the cold water conservation efforts of SWMTU. We'll share a full wrap-up of the banquet soon. In the meantime, enjoy some of the photos.
Did you know that restoring wetlands on your property can put “cash” in your pocket?
Do you own property that was historically wet but the natural drainage has been altered by the installation of ditches...
Rogue River Clean-Up Event
When your walking along the Rogue River the last thing you want to see are wads of old fishing line,...
Looking for something to do in March?
Training for Watershed Monitors Purpose: Training volunteers to collect temperature and flow data in the Rogue River Watershed. Date: Saturday,...
‘Trout Madness’ surprise donation
Rich VanderVeen, President of the John D. Voelker Foundation ( showed up at the Kelly Galloup seminar last week with...