(Editor’s note: Dick Smith is a long-time board member of SWMTU and avid fisherman. This article first appeared in Trout...
Latest News from SWMTU
Fishing streamers for steelhead
(Editor’s note: Dick Smith is a long-time board member of SWMTU and avid fisherman. This article first appeared in Trout...
Great Lakes Steelhead history and tactics
(Editor’s note: This article first appeared in an edition of Trout Talk. Dick Smith is a long-time board member of...
Weekend outing at Fuller’s NBOC
This is a great opportunity to visit and enjoy a weekend with friends and family at one of the most historic fly fishing destinations in the country.
Holiday Get Together
Please join with other members and friends of our chapter for an informal get together for the holidays. Bring your...
Fly Tying Celebration 2009
Grand River Fly Tiers, a FFF/GLC club, is hosting a celebration of the arts, skills and lore of fly tying...