Tag: Salmon in the classroom


Calvin Christian students raise salmon in the classroom

(Mlive.com – GRANDVILLE, MI — Calvin Christian High School students are contributing to the salmon population from their classroom and recently got a closeup look at what will be the fruit of their efforts. As students hovered around a slide-out tray full of fish eggs, some giggled as they softly ran their fingers through the...


Salmon release and bug identification

On May 13th, LaMont Christian students released the 100+ salmon in Deer Creek as is joins the Grand River. This was the first year science teacher Brent Seinen offered Salmon in the Classroom –  made possible with a $1,000 grant from Schrems West Michigan TU – and has found it to be a great teaching tool. Back...


Salmon in the Classroom update

We welcome two schools offering Salmon in the Classroom (SIC) during the 2010-11 school-year: Belding High School and Lamont Christian School.  Schrems is pleased to fund the start-up cost ($1000) for necessary equipment for SIC. Thanks to funds raised at our annual banquets, we’re able to add two schools per year. Six schools are now offering SIC thanks...


Record 86 salmon released

On May 1st, students from Lowell High School’s three Ecology & NaturalResouce management classes of teacher (and former Schrems board member) Tammy Coleman, released a record 86 Chinook Salmon into the Flat River just upstream from the Grand River. > Read the article from the Grand Rapids Press. The salmon were raised from their egg...